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{zero point nine} personal experiments, etc.

FPO Image Generator


Is it not the norm for the agency developer of whatever flavor to be asked make more progress than what's reasonable based on the current status of a given project at any given point in time?

Thus, we continuously look for ways to make more progress with less information, even while increasing the risk of wasted work and unseemly displays of developer angst. At the very least, such experiences make a person receptive to finding a few tricks that might shave off a few extra minutes in one's pursuit to meet the latest unreasonable deadline.

That having been said, the potential utility of this little tool should require no further explanation.

It has its origins in this capricious tweet from some time last winter.

MAQET 3D Gallery App for Android


I just completed an Android app which is a simple 3D gallery of user-created designs for

It was fun to be able to apply previous work - the MAQET configurator component done in Flash - to a completely separate development environment (native Android).

Happily, I was able to use min3D for the OpenGL action, which allows me the opportunity to mention that min3D has been nominated for Packt Publishing's 2011 Open Source Awards.

Maze + Camera Visualizer Toy (iPad)

This was my "Hello World" for iOS.

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Kinect Point Cloud Visualizer

The underlying idea here is something along the lines of a realtime VJ-like performance tool. Using openFrameworks, Kinect point-cloud data is collected in a sequence of frames that can be saved to disk and played back on demand. Points beyond a specified depth are filtered out, and a bounding box is calculated to form the basis of some simple dynamic interactions.

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Updated FLV Encoder, 3.5x faster with Alchemy

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Demo: Record and encode FLV's from webcam in realtime, using Alchemy

Or, download AIR desktop version

This is an update to FLV Encoder which adds an optional Alchemy routine that's about 3.5x faster, as well as FileStream support for writing directly to a local file using AIR. The library has been architected in such a way that you can use the package while targeting either the browser (no FileStream support) or AIR, and either Flash 9 (no Alchemy support) or Flash 10 - without getting class dependency compiler errors.

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