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{zero point nine} personal experiments, etc.

FLV Encoder with Audio

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Demo implementation: Records webcam video and audio to a local file

! See updated FLV Encoder post + code here

A prospective client asked about the possibility of adding audio support to SimpleFlvEncoder. In the end, I was not commissioned for that work, but not before my curiosity had already gotten the better of me...

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Maze Generation Algorithm

A couple months ago, while I was still a full-time student, which did not last very long, but that's another story, I created a maze generator as a way to learn some C++, now posted here just for the fun of it.

I started with a description of the algorithm found on Wikipedia, worked it out in Processing (with 2D, 3D, and isometric views added as a bonus), and then ported it to C++ using openFrameworks for the basic display action.

Presumably it could be used as the start of a game-like concept, if so inclined.

3D Character Configurator (

The most interesting and innovative commercial project I've been involved with recently has been, which is created and run by artist Keith Cottingham.

I've been building a configurator which allows the user to create customized maquettes by changing poses and drawing in textures. The "maqet" is then 3D-printed and delivered to the user.

Most recently, I've been working on the drawing tools that allow the user to paint on a two-dimensional canvas that updates the texture of the 3D model in real-time. Soon to be added is a freehand drawing-to-bezier curve tool.

Parsons MFA Design + Technology

I just wanted to mention that at the end of the month I'll be taking a happily anticipated break and going back to school, to the Parsons MFA Design & Technology program.

I'm looking forward to posting new and hopefully interesting things here as I progress through the program, the time during which I hope to broaden the scope of my personal sandbox and make experimentation a full-time thing.

homescreen 3D - an OpenGL Android program launcher

Video updated with most recent version running on Honeycomb, 6/2011

My first "experiment" with the Android Market. An answer to a question nobody asked: "What if you made an Android program launcher in 3D?"

Built using min3D.